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so, blog, we meet again...

so, blog, i see that you've been waiting for Laika, Record Collection founder, to write a wicked awesome post.

so, blog, how's this for starters?

so, blog, let me tell you about the time i listened to this wicked awesome music, called indie music, and it opened up a whole new world for me.

i was listening to some indie music before then, but i hadn't known that "it's indie rock and roll for me" [the killers lyrics there, in wicked awesome quotations], i hadn't known that indie rock and roll is seriously wicked awesome for me, until i started listening to some wicked awesome the get up kids, (this was about the year 2000), and i was all, "this is wicked awesome, this music is wicked awesome", and i was hooked on the sound, i was wicked awesomely hooked on the sound of wicked awesome indie rock and roll.

i've always been indie rock and roll, but i didn't know it.

and blog, let me tell you something wicked awesome i used to do, i used to wicked awesomely call "the get up kids", i used to wicked awesomely call them, "the get up chicos", y'know chicos like spanish for bois. [boys]

blog, blog, i gotta wicked awesomely tell you, that i used to wicked awesomely call myself a "chica", y'know, chica like spanish for gerl. [girl]

spanish for girl, while the rest of the words would be in english.

e.g. "i'm a chica, i'm just a chica in the world, looking for a place to dance and express my chica self."

blog, this was back in my days of livejournaling, where i was adorably more youthful, and spriteful. and i still got it, i still got some spritefulness in me. what's that, blog? you like the sprite in me? oh, i see what you did there, blog, lyrics from a sprite commercial ["i like the sprite in you!"]

blog, you're good to me. you're a good sport, and what a buddy! buddy blog, my buddy, the blog.

not everyone has a friend like a blog friend. a blog friend, is like this wicked awesome friend. you're wicked awesome, blog. *high fives the blog*

so, blog, when i found this world of amazing music, when i found this world of indie rock and roll, a whole new world opened up for me.

indie rock and roll, it's not just music that one listens to, although that could be part of an apt description, if we're talking metaphorically. indie rock and roll, it's like a lifestyle.

when i say a whole new world opened up for me, i mean like the world got bigger, and i found a place where i belonged.

i was lost, and the music, it helped me find my way.

i finally found a place where i belonged.

it was like a whole new world opened up for me.

this world, where things got real, and things got true, and things felt true-to-me, true to who i am. and the music, the music, god bless its soul.

this is just one reason why the get up kids are one of my favorite bands. their music commanded my attention, and got me to listen to a beat, i mean including a heartbeat, that i wanted to follow. their music commanded my attention, and i stayed listening, i stayed listening to that indie rock and roll, ever since i heard their music.

the get up kids are my boys.

the get up kids are lucky to have each other as friends, and as musical colleagues. i don't know how they found each other, and then started an indie rock and roll band together, but god bless.

so, blog, dear buddy blog, this is my post, this was me telling you about the time i listened to this wicked awesome music, called indie music, and it opened up a whole new world for me.

so, blog, how's this for starters?


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