the title of this blog post is a play on lyrics from a song, where the lyrics are "there was a farmer who had a dog, and bingo was his name-o, b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o! and bingo was his name-o!"
i'm like a farmer, yo, i farm blog posts. :) i don't have a dog named "blogo", but i do have this blog post here, which i'll go ahead and name "blogo".
it's interesting, the things we give names to. or, the things i give names to. :) (probably most someones don't give names to things, like i would give names to things.) like, my guitar, i'm going to go ahead and name my guitar, "chordy". kind of like a guitar chord, but with an extra kick to its name.
i have a red lighter here. i'm going to go ahead and name the red lighter, "red thunder". the lighter lights up, like lightning, and brings a force to my cigarette, by lighting my cigarette, hence the name, "red thunder".
i have a yellow plastic shopping bag here, that i'll go ahead and name, "lemon", like lemons are yellow.
i have a pack of cigarettes here, that i'll go ahead and name "smoker's paradise", or "smo-par" [pronounced smoh-pahr vs smoh-payr] for short.
i have a bag of microwave popcorn here, that i'll go ahead and name "mikey pop". (where "mikey" is a nickname for "microwave" and "pop" is a nickname for popcorn. i could have named it "mikey corn" but i like the name, "mikey pop" much better. :) )
there's a bag of barbecue potato chips on the table, that i'm gonna go ahead and name, "cuey" [pronounced que-ee].
i have a cd wallet here, that i'll name, "wallee". [pronounced wahl-ee]
... and so on. i mean, i could go on naming things in this room, but i think that i've impressed one and all, already.
b-l-o-g-o! and blogo is his name-o!